Luna: History

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Early Life


A version of Luna's life story has been passed on as a bedtime story called "The Vampire of the Blue Moon." Aside from the inaccuracy of there being only one Book of Vanitas, it is unclear what in this story is true to Luna's real life.

As the story is told, vampires are ordinarily born on the night of a crimson full moon, but one vampire, called "Vanitas" by their peers, was born on the night of a blue full moon instead. As the blue moon is a symbol of misfortune, Vanitas's crimson peers came to hate and ostracize them for this association, eventually driving Vanitas from their village. The Vampire of the Blue Moon was forced to wander in the dark, frozen forest. This drove them to a desperate vengefulness against the vampires of the crimson moon, and they created The Book of Vanitas as a tool of their revenge. This Book had the power to interfere with vampires' True Names, and Vanitas swore that the eyes of he who held the Book would be filled with blue moonlight like their own, and that one day that person would destroy all of vampirekind.1


To be added




  1. Mémoire 1: Vanitas

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